It is a tough time to be looking for a job, but it can be even tougher when you have all of the experience, a perfect resume and you are still getting passed over for the jobs. There could be a reason you are getting passed could be your background. Before an employee will hire you, many will do personal background checks on your criminal record. Additionally, they may be pulling information on your driving record through a motor vehicle report. If they see any of this information as negatively impacting the job, they may pass you by and choose another candidate.
If you have the opportunity to, you may want to run a background check on yourself so you will know what the employer is seeing. If you are not truthfully revealing all criminal information about your past when asked, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you, you will surely be looked over when a company sees information that is inconsistent with the information you have provided. It is certainly possible that some things from your past are showing up on these background records and are making you look bad. For example, you may have a reckless driving conviction from five years ago. Though this might seem insignificant, a potential employer might judge otherwise and shy away.
It is important if you see any negative information on your personal criminal background check that you take steps to take care of them, especially if you were not aware that this information existed. It is also important that, in the mean time, you add this information to your job application when asked. It is best for an employer to know about this past information up front instead of seeing it on a background check. If they find out that way, they will certainly see you as dishonest.
Even if you think that you don’t have anything necessarily “bad” in your background, it is certainly possible that your information could be mixed up with someone else, especially if you have a common name. If this is the case, when an employer looks for your background information, they might actually see someone else’s information that may be associated with your name.
About - - a founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) - serves thousands of customers nationwide, from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies by providing comprehensive screening services. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with an Eastern Operations Center in Chapin, S.C., is home to one of the largest online criminal conviction databases in the industry. For more information about backgroundchecks’ offerings, please visit
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About Michael Klazema The author
Michael Klazema is the lead author and editor for Dallas-based with a focus on human resource and employment screening developments