All Indiana Day Cares are Not Subject to the Same Rules When it Comes to Background Checks
It has recently come to light that there seems to be a difference of practice when it comes to day care regulations in Indiana. After the death of a two ye
It has recently come to light that there seems to be a difference of practice when it comes to day care regulations in Indiana. After the death of a two ye
Compliance and Legislation
Recently, a new class action lawsuit was filed in the Eastern District of Virginia challenging electronic disclosures made by Kmart to a prospective job ap
The Seventh - day Adventist church is taking a step that many other corporations have done: they are putting their employees through background checks in a
After a week of debate, Rhode Island lawmakers have passed a new background check law that will make it mandatory to perform a criminal background check on
Eric C. Johnson v. ADP Screening and Selection Services, Inc. et al., 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 18361(D. Minn. Feb. 24, 2011) Facts: Plaintiff claimed that De
Lawmakers in Oklahoma are seriously considering a bill that would make it legal to force volunteers who work with children to pay for their own background
In the state of Iowa, the law that requires nursing home workers to go through background checks is fourteen years old and many believe these requirements
A registered sex offender has been working at a Chicago area day care without the knowledge of parents, the community or other employees. Eric Ellis, the e
The city of Huntsville, AL has a proposal on the table that would require door-to-door salesmen to undergo a background check and have to carry a city ID i
Compliance and Legislation, FCRA
Kmart was recently sued in a class action based on the idea that, under the FCRA and the separate federal E-SIGN Act, an electronic signature is not allowe
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Background Checks News