When filling out a job application, you may be asked to disclose prior criminal history. If you end up getting hired for the job, you will also almost surely have to go through a criminal background check before you start work. If you have a series of speeding tickets or other traffic violations, do you need to disclose them as criminal history or be worried about them coming up on your criminal background check?
In most cases, the answer is no. Most traffic violations are not considered criminal citations. Instead, driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit or running a stop sign, for example, would be classified as a “civil citation.” Civil citations are not a part of your criminal record. You do not need to go to court for them—unless you plan on contesting the violation—and will not be “found guilty” or convicted of a crime.
Civil citations exist as a violation below a
For the most part, driving infractions will only show up if someone runs a driving history background check on you. Some employers will take this step if they are filling jobs that involve driving. If you are applying for a delivery driver job, it makes sense for an employer to check your driving record. If you are applying for an office job, your driving isn’t strictly relevant and likely will not be a matter of interest to the employer. However, accumulating infractions on your driving record can have consequences that go beyond employment, including hikes on your insurance rates and changes in your license status.
With all these points made, there are types of traffic violations that can rise above civil citation and be classified as
How can you be sure whether your past driving infractions appear on your criminal record or are limited to civil citations? At backgroundchecks.com, we offer self-screen tools our customers can use to check their own criminal records and driving history records. Give these tools a try today to find out whether an employer will see your driving infraction on a criminal background check.
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About Michael Klazema The author
Michael Klazema is the lead author and editor for Dallas-based backgroundchecks.com with a focus on human resource and employment screening developments