Latest News about Background Checks (page 14)

Salary History Bans Pick up Steam

Industry News, employee background checks, salary history, employment history

Salary History Bans Pick up Steam

Can employers still ask about salary history? Not long ago, it was common for employers to request salary information as part of a job application alongsid

Which Background Checks Are Needed for Tutors?

Questions and Answers, Coronavirus, tutor background checks, homeschooling

Which Background Checks Are Needed for Tutors?

 Are you thinking about hiring a tutor for your child? Because of coronavirus, interest is on the upswing for tutors, Zutors (Zoom tutors), and “instructor

Volunteers and Caregivers: Background Check Policies

Industry News, volunteer background checks

Volunteers and Caregivers: Background Check Policies

Which role should background checks play for aged care providers? Michigan recently took a big step in standardizing certain parts of the background check

#1 criminal conviction database with more than 650 million criminal records

HR Must Adapt to Support a New Normal in the Office

Industry News, COVID-19

HR Must Adapt to Support a New Normal in the Office

As workplaces around the world grapple with the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, many have begun the hard work of thinking about what comes next. As bus

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State Criminal Search

Virginia Criminal Search

A Virginia state background check can uncover more criminal records. Learn about these tools and the legal restrictions involved.

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