Latest News about Background Checks (page 17)

#1 criminal conviction database with more than 650 million criminal records

What it means to Fail a Background Check

Questions and Answers, national criminal background check, pass background checks

What it means to Fail a Background Check

What Happens If You Fail a Background Check? How do you pass background checks? What happens if you fail a background check? These two queries are among th

The Fair Chance Act: What You Need to Know

Industry News, ban the box, fair chance act

The Fair Chance Act: What You Need to Know

Ban the box legislation isn’t new, but it has so far been limited to smaller geographical areas or governmental units. Thirty-five states and more than 150

Bus Driver Background Check Flaws

Industry News

Bus Driver Background Check Flaws

Record-low unemployment rates have combined with a job that is typically viewed as difficult and thankless to create a shortage of bus drivers in almost ev

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State Criminal Search

Virginia Criminal Search

A Virginia state background check can uncover more criminal records. Learn about these tools and the legal restrictions involved.

Order a Search for Virginia