Latest News about Background Checks (page 47)

Philadelphia Toughens Its Ban-the-Box Ordinance

Compliance and Legislation, Philadelphia

Philadelphia Toughens Its Ban-the-Box Ordinance

In July 2011, Philadelphia was one of the first cities to enact a ban-the-box ordinance. The ordinance, cited as the Fair Criminal Screening Standards Ordi

#1 criminal conviction database with more than 650 million criminal records

New York City’s Fair Chance Act Notice

Compliance and Legislation, new york

New York City’s Fair Chance Act Notice

New York City’s Fair Chance Act became effective last month. This is the ban-the-box ordinance that prohibits most employers from inquiring about criminal

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State Criminal Search

Virginia Criminal Search

A Virginia state background check can uncover more criminal records. Learn about these tools and the legal restrictions involved.

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