Renter's Bill of Rights' Impact on Real Estate Background Checks
Landlords must obey the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when ordering background and credit checks on prospective tenants.
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Landlords must obey the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when ordering background and credit checks on prospective tenants.
More News & Updates on Background Checks
New York City landlords need to change their tenant background check processes. See the main changes created by the City Council for 2025.
background checks for tenants, tenant background checks
Striking a balance between supporting property owners and affordable access to housing remains controversial. Learn the latest on tenant screening.
Industry News, tenant background checks
In 2019, New York landlords demanded the repeal of new rules for housing access. Rental screening regulations in the area continue to expand.
Compliance and Legislation, background checks for tenants
A movement to ban some tenant background checks in New York City finally succeeded. Landlords carved out core exceptions in the final law.
background checks for tenants, tenant screening
Current landlords must navigate significant regulatory upheaval in tenant background checks and federal housing vouchers.
The New Mexico Senate recently enacted legislation mandating stringent background checks for contractors of the Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD).
Explore how Connecticut's Clean Slate Law affects employers, from adapting hiring processes to ensuring fair practices.
Kansas courts suffered a paralyzing cyberattack in October 2023. Issues persist into 2024, and employers should plan for further delays.
Stay compliant with FCRA regulations for pre-employment background checks. Learn from the recent Massachusetts Appeals Court ruling.
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