Updates on background check news, industry trends, and changes in laws and regulations.
Registering for an account with offers you several benefits and access to a wide range of background check products.
You can get started in under 2 minutes with your first background check search, but The FCRA requires us to confirm your legitimacy and purpose for using our services. You can order immediately and will receive reports when that process is done. As a Consumer Reporting Agency; is responsible for properly screening, or “credentialing” new customers in order to satisfy several Federal and State legislated responsibilities related to the acquisition, transfer, and retention of public and private consumer information. Credentialing also helps to eliminate exposure of your company, your employees, and your prospective applicants.
As a part of our business credentialing procedures all clients are required to provide us with a blank copy of the disclosure and authorization form that will be used to collect a person’s written consent to a background check. After new customers register, Client Relations department will contact you to request this information.
To register an account you have provide your name, your contact information, the name of your organization and payment details.
Yes, in most cases there is a one-time registration fee that will be applied during the account registration process. If a registration fee applies, it will be clearly shown and marked in the shopping cart during check out.
To give you an impression how ordering a background check works, we have created a short video, that will take you through the steps from entering your search criteria to reviewing the report.
Use a self-service guide to see which checks are right for your organization.
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A Virginia state background check can uncover more criminal records. Learn about these tools and the legal restrictions involved.