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Pike County, a small Pennsylvania border county that is a part of the New York metropolitan area, has a population of about 58,000. Nearby counties include Monroe and Wayne in Pennsylvania, Sussex and Warren in New Jersey, and Orange and Sullivan in New York. Notable employers in the county include Wal-Mart and Econo-Pak.
Located about an hour and a half away from New York City, Pike County has a small population that has continued to grow steadily over the years. Because of its close proximity to the core of several major urban areas, it can be a destination for many types of people looking for a place to settle down. As a result, employers in this area are more likely to encounter a diverse group of people, some of whom may have lived in multiple places prior to arriving. Hiring here, as with hiring anywhere, requires a certain element of due diligence to ensure you have all the facts you need to proceed.
In metro areas where people may move around frequently, you cannot always assume you understand everything about an applicant based only on what they put on their resume. Checking references, verifying past employment, and conducting a thorough interview are all important steps in the hiring process. However, you should add another element to the mix as well: the criminal background check.
By exploring someone’s background along with their qualifications, you can avoid the risks of negligent hiring and equip your business with the most clear-eyed view possible. In metropolitan counties such as Pike, a thorough and detailed search is important. Residents of metropolitan areas are more likely to move frequently within the broader metro area, living and working within different counties over time. Searching only a single county during your vetting process could mean potentially missing important information held by another county in the New York metro.
It’s simple to add this step to your onboarding process without creating a bottleneck that leaves you understaffed and waiting for the go-ahead to greenlight new hires. With reliable and rapid reporting products from, you can start reviewing a candidate’s background as soon as you reach the appropriate stage. Rather than a confusing and tedious process, you can tick this box with ease to make decisions more quickly.
Ensuring your business uses background checks legally should be the first item on your to-do list before you begin vetting anyone. As a type of consumer report, background checks fall under the regulations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. You must obtain an applicant’s consent and provide a standalone disclosure form of your intent to use a background check. You must also issue pre-adverse action notices and allow time for an appeal if you change your offer based on a background check. Pennsylvania does not have a statewide “ban the box” law applicable to private employers. Therefore, review your obligations under federal law and establish a clear policy before you use background checks.
With that policy in place, you can review background reports in no time. Try a broad, nationwide look at criminal records using the US OneSEARCH. This report includes not only information compiled from sources across the country, it also specifically includes records from Pike County and its neighbors. Visit our online coverage map for complete source details. When you need additional details on local criminal cases, especially those active or recently closed, order the county-level court search.
These reports can include the subject’s:
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A Virginia state background check can uncover more criminal records. Learn about these tools and the legal restrictions involved.