
Warrant is an order of a court which authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest and bring a person before the judge. A warrant may be issued when a person is charged with a crime, convicted of a crime but failed to appear for sentencing, owes a fine or is in contempt of court.

bench warrant is a court order authorizing the seizure of a person in order for them to appear in court. It is commonly found in the situation of a person who is required to answer a charge of contempt or a witness who has failed to appear in court after proper service of a subpoena. If a person fails to appear in court when she has been properly ordered to do so, the judge is authorized to issue a bench warrant authorizing a law enforcement officer to arrest someone. Arrest under a bench warrant may usually be made at any time of the day or night. Because bench warrants are court actions, bench warrants may appear in court record searches. They are not conclusive evidence that the subject committed the conduct.

Once a bench warrant is issued, the police can treat it like any other arrest warrant -- and use it to bring the defendant back in front of the judge.

By contrast, the arrest warrant process is started by a police officer. Arrest warrants generally do not appear in court records, but a charge stemming from an arrest warrant usually will. Arrest warrants are not conclusive evidence that the subject committed the conduct.

search warrant is an order permitting a law enforcement officer to search a particular premises and/or person for certain types of evidence, based on a statement by a law enforcement official who has probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime will be located. Search warrants typically do not appear in court record searches. Search warrants are not evidence that anyone named in them committed any conduct. For example, a search warrant may identify an apartment in which a subject lives, but that belongs to an innocent owner.

How do you search for warrants?

We carry out a system-based real time multi-jurisdictional warrant search.

What should you do when you see an outstanding warrant reported for your subject on a report?

You should contact the agency listed on the report details section of the report and take no further action.

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