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Vermont State Background Check

Bringing aboard the best candidates for open roles at your business or organization is an important step toward success. As part of this process, it may be necessary to consider an applicant's criminal record and what effect it may have on their ability to fit in both the role and your company culture.

Ordering a background check on potential new hires is a common choice for business owners, as it allows you to quickly gather crucial information to use in your decision. Through a state-level check, you can uncover criminal records from multiple counties at once.

Data Coverage Map

This Vermont state background check relies on the Vermont Crime Information Center, the repository for all criminal data within the state. This database covers all 14 Vermont counties, including Rutland, Chittenden, Windsor, and Washington. proudly delivers state-level background checks for Vermont and 44 other states.

What may be reported on a state criminal history search?

  • Jurisdiction where record is recorded
  • Case number
  • Defendant
  • Charge
  • Filing date
  • Degree of offense, e.g. misdemeanor
  • Disposition
  • Disposition date
  • Sentence

Criminal Record Consideration Restrictions

Federal laws govern some aspects of the fair usage of criminal history information, but states such as Vermont have taken additional steps to create a level playing field for applicants. With that in mind, it is important for employers to understand the following restrictions on using a Vermont state background check.

Ban the Box

As of July 1, 2017, Vermont has instituted a ban the box policy that applies to all employers of any size within the state, including all private sector businesses. Employers, except those otherwise exempted by state or federal law, may not include any questions on initial applications about an applicant’s criminal past. In later stages of the hiring process, the discovery of a criminal past through a background check cannot be an automatic disqualifier. Applicants must be allowed the chance to explain the circumstances and outline efforts towards rehabilitation.

Arrest Record Consideration

Arrest records are typically not made available to employers in Vermont for any purpose.

Conviction Record Usage

In accordance with federal employment law, Vermont businesses may consider convictions if they have not been sealed by a court order or expunged from the individual’s record. Any consideration of a conviction must remain in accordance with the state’s ban the box provisions.

Restrictions on Credit History Usage

Vermont places additional restrictions on how employers may request and use credit reports when making hiring decisions, such as for positions that involve substantial money-handling. Except for some exempted businesses, such as banking institutions, employers are strictly prohibited from ordering a credit report on applicants and from using any information contained in such a report as the basis for a hiring decision.

For exempt employers, credit history cannot be the sole reason for disqualification. Any investigation of this nature regarding an applicant must be clearly disclosed and the consent of the individual must be obtained.


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