Updates on background check news, industry trends, and changes in laws and regulations.
Based on the information provided by the applicant, we can contact the appropriate state agencies and verify the type of license, certification or permits, issuing state or agency, and date of issuance and expiration if applicable, as well as comments, honors, or actions related to the certification.
A lot of professions require licenses to work in their field and in a specific state or they benefit from certification for key competencies. Verifying those licenses and certifications is an essential step in determining if a new hire can and will perform the tasks you plan to assign to them.
Do take into account that while our goal is to update our instant database with new counties and new county records regularly, it is possible that a traditional on-premise court house search would provide more up-to-date information and could, for example, show that a criminal record with a pending case status in our instant data base has been recently dismissed.
No, you do not need a copy, but we do ask for the name of the issuing organization, the license number, license type, state of issuance, date the license or certificate was issue and when it expires.