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What shows up on a criminal background check

Background Screening 101

What shows up on a criminal background check

Most jobs require a background screening. Candidates do not always understand how background checks work or which types of information they can uncover.

Introduction to International Criminal Background Checks

Background Checks for Employers

Introduction to International Criminal Background Checks

While most employers are used to structuring their background check process around domestic candidate pools, an increasingly global talent pool means that international background checks will become more important in the future.

State Failed to Run Background Checks Before Granting Professional Licenses


State Failed to Run Background Checks Before Granting Professional Licenses

An audit of the state licensing body in Massachusetts recently found that the office did not conduct criminal and sex offender background checks on all the professionals it licensed. The case is a reminder that professional license checks should always pair with criminal history screenings.

Employment History

Employment History

Employment History

If you are applying for a job, chances are that you will need to disclose at least some details about your employment history. Most employers have a “work history” section on their job applications where you’ll be asked to provide past companies, dates of employment, and job titles for the last several jobs that you’ve held. Most positions will also require you to submit a resume with an account of your professional history.

#1 criminal conviction database with more than 650 million criminal records

Ban the Box: 2023 Update

Compliance and Legislation

Ban the Box: 2023 Update

Banning the box legislation has been the top trend to watch in background checks and hiring for a decade and counting. Despite significant state and local progress, that trend still shows no signs of slowing.

Reference Check Questions to Ask (2023)

Employment History

Reference Check Questions to Ask (2023)

When you reach out to professional and personal contacts in a resume, what should you ask? Our list of reference check questions is a good place to start.

Tenant Background Checks Continue to Spark Controversy

Real Estate

Tenant Background Checks Continue to Spark Controversy

More legislators are pushing for significant restrictions to tenant background checks. We examine bills that could change screening protocols for housing in Nevada and Oregon.

Does a Free Background Check Exist?

Background Screening 101

Does a Free Background Check Exist?

A free background check is out there, but will it be reliable and thorough? Learn about other options for making safe employment decisions.

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