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Boy Scouts and Background Checks

Child Care

Boy Scouts and Background Checks

Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is facing a higher-than-expected number of sexual abuse claims from former members. The mounting claims could have major implic

Can You Verify Salary With a Background Check?


Can You Verify Salary With a Background Check?

In most cases, you can't verify salary with a background check because employers do not usually report this information. In some states, it's even illegal.

How Fast Can Background Checks Be Done?

Background Screening 101

How Fast Can Background Checks Be Done?

“How fast are employee background checks?” is a common question among employers and job seekers. When choosing a background check service, employers want t

Candidate Background Check Red Flags

Background Screening 101

Candidate Background Check Red Flags

If there is one overarching reason why employers conduct background checks, it’s to discover “red flags” about prospective hires. Red flags can vary signif

Do Landlords Do Background Checks?

Real Estate

Do Landlords Do Background Checks?

Background checks are a part of the housing application process for most landlords. From apartment complexes to rental houses, most tenants find that prosp

#1 criminal conviction database with more than 650 million criminal records

Background Checks and Diversity

Background Screening 101

Background Checks and Diversity

Background checks—from criminal history checks to resume verification checks to driving record checks—play vital roles in helping employers determine which

Are Background Checks an Invasion of Privacy?

Background Screening 101

Are Background Checks an Invasion of Privacy?

When it comes to the interactions between an employer and their employees, privacy must always be a core tenet of the relationship. Personal romantic relat

Using a Third Party Background Check

Background Screening 101

Using a Third Party Background Check

A third-party background check helps busy employers facing big hiring needs. Speed up your workflows without missing important info.

Ban the Box? Some Municipalities Go the Other Way

Compliance and Legislation

Ban the Box? Some Municipalities Go the Other Way

Providing a path back to employment for formerly incarcerated individuals is a common goal, but not every locale is on board with the sweeping "ban the box

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