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Do Arrests Show on Background Checks?

Background Checks for Employers

Do Arrests Show on Background Checks?

Whether arrest records will show up on a background check report depends on several different factors. The most significant variable by far is location. Th

What Shows Up on a Criminal History Check?

Criminal Background Checks

What Shows Up on a Criminal History Check?

What shows up on a criminal history check will vary based on the type of background check being used. Of course, all criminal history checks are designed t

#1 criminal conviction database with more than 650 million criminal records

How Are Criminal Background Checks Performed?

Criminal Background Checks

How Are Criminal Background Checks Performed?

How criminal background checks are performed depend on the type of check and the source it is checking. At, we offer four types of cri

Why Speed Matters with Background Checks

Background Checks for Employers

Why Speed Matters with Background Checks

Make no mistake: your top priority when designing an employee background check policy and choosing a background check provider to carry it out should alway

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