Updates on background check news, industry trends, and changes in laws and regulations.
A fast and free way for non-profit, volunteer, or educational organization to introduce or enhance a criminal record check for your members or participants.
At no cost to your organization, can set up a vetting program, including training provided by our client relations team. Invited participants or members will be guided through an online account sign-up and asked to complete information that will allow us to perform the background checks based on the screening needs and program requirements specified by your organization.
This way you get the benefit of a comprehensive vetting program and reduce risks without any cost to your organization.
Watch our 1-minute video explainer to guide you more has the technological resources to support some of the most complex hiring programs in the world. We offer some of the most intuitive software with the ability to create packages per client, progressively screen individuals, and much more. has our finger on the pulse of compliance issues relating to background screening and human capital solutions. That means that we are able to help you meet federal, state, and local compliance regulations, including ones that are specific to the industries you serve.
With over 600 million records, we can offer you the #1 criminal conviction database in the industry that can be used for criminal background checks. What's more, we actively search for updated records for our criminal database, with the end result being a cleaner and more reliable criminal record search.
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