Not every job involves driving, but for those that do, safety is critical. Operating commercial motor vehicles on behalf of a business is a big responsibility. If something goes wrong, the company will immediately attract scrutiny. A careful review of each job applicant is critical in the transportation sector. The standard tools remain helpful, such as the criminal background check. However, employers should also know how to check someone’s driving record.
A clean driving history is essential to many transportation employers. Companies want to know someone stays safe behind the wheel, from trucking companies to taxi services. Hiring someone with a history of breaking road rules could be negligent. Many transportation employers value a clean driving history. Companies want to know that their vehicle operators remain safe behind the wheel, from trucking to taxi services. Hiring someone with a history of breaking road rules would be negligent. However, that doesn’t mean someone can only get a job with a spotless record.
Let’s consider what it means to have a clean record and then explore the role of these records in the industry.
What is a Clean Driving Record?
A driving record might be clean if it doesn’t report infractions or other issues. Every state maintains a record of each driver’s history on the road, usually going back seven to ten years. If a driver encounters law enforcement, it may appear on their record. For example, speeding tickets or citations for moving violations show up. Too many of these could be a red flag to a transportation provider.
A clean record could have no issues or only minor concerns. Some employers may not put much weight behind a single speeding ticket from six years ago. However, one or more DUIs would be an instant red flag to many employers.
Is a Spotless Record Required for a Driving Job?
No, although every employer is different. Some may prefer to hire only those with the best driving records possible. Others may ignore minor and old issues if no subsequent or recent problems exist. However, all employers hiring people to drive must check driving records. That is a mandate from the federal government, along with DOT drug tests and other vital steps.
Why is this vital to the Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance?
Why Driving Records are a Part of Conducting DOT Background Checks
The DOT is strict with regulation and enforcement among transportation companies. This federal agency includes keeping the roads safe among its duties. The goal of DOT background check requirements is simple: keep unqualified or dangerous individuals away from job roles with substantial safety responsibilities. For example, someone with a history of driving drunk shouldn’t drive a school bus or an airport shuttle full of people.
Therefore, the DOT mandates thorough background checks for all drivers. DOT drug tests are a common feature of the hiring process, too. It ensures applicants satisfy Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) requirements. The background check and motor vehicle record check help employers assess suitability. Ultimately, the process creates safer roads and reduces risks.
Other Reasons to Invest in Hiring Safe Drivers
For businesses, complying with these regulations is about more than satisfying the law. There are other good reasons to identify applicants with clean driving records. Consider the other benefits of a thorough screening and hiring process.
Protect against cost increases from ballooning premiums
Insurance costs are a significant concern for transportation. The costs could become burdensome if the CDL holders you employ get into trouble on the road. Insurers want you to make a concerted effort to hire those with a clean driving record. Otherwise, you may not obtain reasonable rates. Finding space in the budget for higher insurance costs can be very hard for small and growing carriers.
Similarly, your premiums will go up substantially if your drivers cause accidents. The worse the incident, the worse the impact on premiums. Screening applicants carefully to select safe drivers is essential. Not only does it protect others on the road, but it helps protect your bottom line, too.
Maintain a reputation for transportation safety
Transit carriers should have a good safety track record. It’s an essential attribute for carriers serving passengers or moving freight. Commuters want to know they’ll be safe placing their lives in the hands of your drivers. Businesses want to know you’ll be able to deliver goods safely and promptly to meet contract requirements.
Hiring drivers with a clean record doesn’t guarantee they will never be in an accident. Regardless, it can reduce the risk of such outcomes. The right team can rack up thousands of miles driven safely. That reputation is exceedingly valuable for customers in the B2C and B2B spaces. Avoid the headaches of a PR disaster triggered by an irresponsible driver.
Reduce the risk of lawsuits or negligence claims
While a clean driving record doesn’t preclude future accidents, it does mean they may be less likely. When they occur, a safer driver may be a victim of circumstance rather than the cause of a crash. Demonstrating that you performed your due diligence through extensive record checks creates a legal shield for your business.
How Some Companies Use Real-Time Monitoring
During the hiring phase, a driving record check isn’t enough for some transportation companies. These employers want to enforce a clean driving record requirement consistently. To do so, they take advantage of GPS tracking and computer technology. Telematics provides real-time driving information about an employee’s performance on the road. If the driver acts unsafely, the company receives an alert. Though not strictly related to background checks, employers may wish to explore these tools to supplement other practices.
What Will Autonomous Vehicles Mean for Driving Record Checks?
The transportation industry is placing increasing emphasis on self-driving vehicles. In some cities, these vehicles are already on the roads and serving customers. Humans monitor self-driving cars from a central location. Self-driving trucks may be a thing one day, too.
Predicting what such technological change might bring to the transportation sector is complex. Driving record checks might become a requirement for those intervening remotely in self-driving decisions. However, it’s also possible to foresee a future with less focus on humans with clean driving records. If the only force behind the wheel is a computer, there’s no one to screen.
Equip Your Business to Comply With Transport Safety Regulations
Ensure that passengers or cargo can reach destinations safely and securely. Hire commercial driver's license holders who demonstrate a record of trustworthiness and good judgment. With the risks on the roads today, companies can’t afford to cut corners. The consequences could be severe. Instead, complying with DOT regulations and seeking out safe drivers should be central to your efforts.
At, we make it easy for transportation and logistics providers to order a driving record check. We can support your efforts to develop a DOT-compliant process for obtaining all an applicant’s relevant records. See how simple it is to start today, or learn more about motor vehicle records and other resources.
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About Michael Klazema The author
Michael Klazema is the lead author and editor for Dallas-based with a focus on human resource and employment screening developments