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What are Advanced Background Checks?

Background Screening 101

What are Advanced Background Checks?

Is your business using advanced background checks to vet applicants before hiring? Learn about what an advanced check involves and strengthen your process.

#1 criminal conviction database with more than 650 million criminal records

How Normal Is It To Lie on a Resume?


How Normal Is It To Lie on a Resume?

The resume is a cornerstone of the job application process and a starting point for many employers—but are you more likely than not to find this document full of lies?

Recent Trends Show More Employers Embracing Fair Chance Hiring

Compliance and Legislation

Recent Trends Show More Employers Embracing Fair Chance Hiring

With a complicated economic outlook, employers continue to seek out new workers in droves. To fill those positions, more companies have begun expanding the types of applicants they’ll consider.

How Small Businesses Can Win ‘The Great Resignation’


How Small Businesses Can Win ‘The Great Resignation’

It’s a tough time to be an employer. In the wake of Covid-19, millions of workers have reassessed their professional wants, needs, goals, and priorities. That factor, combined with massive job losses early in the pandemic and a faster-than-expected economic recovery, has caused a historically unprecedented shuffling of the workforce that has been dubbed “the Great Resignation.” While that shuffle has created vast amounts of opportunity for job seekers looking to change their careers and circumstances, it has created a job market where employers face tougher competition for talent than ever before.

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